Sunday, October 10, 2010

Panic attacks feared during miner rescue

Summary: For over 2 months in San Jose, Chile, there have been 33 miners trapped in a caved in mine. But the miners will soon be able to see daylight again! On Wednesday there will be a capsule sent down to the mine to rescue the workers. But before the capsule is sent down there must be many precautions taken. Chile's health minister is worked about the workers. He fears that their body temperatures could be off or that blood clotting could occur on the way up to the surface since it is over a half mile back up. The blood clotting worries were taken seriously and each miner is taking aspirin before they take their journey back up. The biggest concern about the workers right now is that since there have been 33 workers in a mine together for 2 months the workers may have a panic attack when they are all alone in the capsule on the way to the surface. Another thing that the miners are doing is being put on a special diet so they do not become nauseated on the curvy path up.

Opinion: First off I am so glad to hear that the miners are finally getting rescued! I feel that after being in such a small space with so many men for such a long time it would be extremely hard to get back to reality. I feel as if once all of the miners are out of the mine an organization should hold some type of recovery for the miners. I think that if all of a sudden after being trapped in a mine for 2 months ans you were thrown back into reality it would not be an easy switch. There would be so much more to deal with and there would be more people but such a bigger space that all of the change would be so overwhelming to the miners. For example when troops come back from war there are places for them to go to get back in to the swing of things and they are gradually put back into the real world. I feel that because the miners were living in such a different place than all the rest of us they should do a type of recovery similar to troops returning from war.

1 comment:

  1. you should change your blog backround because it was too hard to read your blog sorry but im sure it was a wonderful post.
