Summary: Earlier today in Nogales Arizona a young Mexican teenager was throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents. Rames Barron Torres was just 17 years old. The reason for his death is still up in the air. There have been different disputes about whether the boy fell off of a fence and hit his head on a rock or if he was shot down by one of the U.S. border agents. There have been many questions asked about how Rames was killed and an FBI spokesman declined to release any information on the investigation.Some information that was released was that there was warning shots fired once the boys crossed the border. Once at the hospital Torres' three companions left him around 3 a.m. Before his friends left the hospital they told a hospital guard once again that Torres was shot and that he feel to the ground. There were many scrapes and bruises on the boy but an autopsy was done and it showed there was a bullet wound had gone through his right arm and chest causing a punctured lung. The punctured lung was the cause of Rames Torres' death.
Opinion: I don't think that anybody should have to suffer like that. The border patrols could have maybe chased after him if he tried to run away. But i think that the patrols over reacted to much by shooting him and killing him. I know they had warning shots but they still should not have shot him. It is very sad to hear about these kind of things and listen to what our world has become. I think that we need to learn to get along better with our neighboring countries and not have such harsh punishment for coming over to the U.S. The U.S. needs to come up with a better way of keeping our border patroled bcause clearly our method right now is not working if we are having to kill innocent people.
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